
さて、2012 年の国連総会において、「地球に暮らすすべての生き物が生存を続けるために欠かせない森林や樹木の重要性について意識を高める記念日として、3月21日を『国際森林デー』(International Day of Forests)として定める」ことが決議され、この日に世界中の国々で森林と樹木の大切さについての意識向上と森林のための行動を起こすよう呼びかけられました。
- 「国際森林デー」を記念するための植樹祭や育樹祭等を開催し、又はそうしたイベントに参加する(※)
- 予定されている森林関係イベントのプログラムや主催者挨拶等で「国際森林デー」に言及する
- それぞれの組織・個人のホームページやSNS、広報誌等で「国際森林デー」に言及する
- その他、それぞれの組織内やご家庭内などの日常的なコミュニケーションの中で「国際森林デー」を話題にする
(※)ご参考までに、当機構においても、林野庁ほか関心を有する組織・団体と共に実行委員会を組織して「国際森林デー2025 in TOKYO」を開催予定です。(詳細は後日発表)
公益社団法人 国土緑化推進機構
専務理事 織田 央
(国際森林デー2025 in TOKYO実行委員会 委員長)
To all those who care about forests and trees;
Let's celebrate the International Day of Forests 2025 (March 21) together !
In 2012, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to designate March 21 as the International Day of Forests as a day to raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees, which are essential for the survival of all living creatures on earth. The resolution called for countries around the world to take actions in accordance with such goals.
Since then, tree-planting/tree-raising events and commemorative ceremonies have been held every year at UN headquarters and around the world to celebrate this day, and in Japan, events commemorating the International Day of Forests have been held throughout the country.
In recent years, as public interests in global environmental issues such as climate change (global warming) and loss of biodiversity has increased, as well as awareness of the crisis of social and economic sustainability, there is a growing recognition that forests can play an important role in solving these problems, i.e., in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this context, we hope that you will join us in celebrating International Day of Forests in 2025, or any time before or after, in any way you can, such as those shown in the following examples, to reflect on the importance of forests and trees, and to take actions to protect and nurture forests.
- Organizing or participating in tree-planting/tree-raising festivals and/or other events to commemorate International Day of Forests (*)
- Touch upon “International Day of Forests” in the program of planned forest-related events, in the organizer's addresses, etc.
- Refer to “International Day of Forests” on websites, social networking services, public relations materials, etc.
- Talk about “International Day of Forests” in your daily communications within your organizations, families, etc.
(*) For your information, we are planning to organize “International Day of Forests 2025 in TOKYO” together with the Forestry Agency and other interested organizations and groups. (Details to be announced at a later date.)
Your understandings and actions, as appropriate, will be greatly appreciated.
January 15, 2025
Hiroshi Orita
Executive Director
National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization
(Chairman, Executive Committee for the International Day of Forests 2025 in TOKYO)